Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Woman raped, whipped and beheaded by Congolese rebels infront of cheering crowd

A woman was raped, whipped and decapitated in front of a cheering crowd before rebels drank her blood because she served fighters 'forbidden' fish .

A woman in the Democratic Republic of Congo was publicly raped, whipped and decapitated in front of a cheering crowd after serving 'forbidden fish' to a group of anti-government rebels, who later drank her blood.

According to Mailonline video footage of the execution in Luebo, in the province of Kasaï-Occidental,shows the Unclad woman being shamed in the town's main square by a group claiming allegiance to the Kamuina Nsapu rebel movement.
While the video was filmed on April 8, 2017, the footage recently emerged after circulating on Whatsapp.

The woman being punished was accused of serving forbidden fish to rebels who visited her restaurant.

'They said she gave them beans that contained pieces of a small, local fish,' a Luebo resident told France 24.
The resident added: 'Convinced that she had broken their protection charms, the council of rebels led by a man named Kabata sentenced both the woman and the son of her husband's second wife (the young man was also working there that day) to commit incest in public.
'The Kamuina Nsapu refrain from having sex, washing themselves and eating meat, fish and other items while fighting, according to Congolese researcher and consultant Anaclet Tshimbalanga.
Following the public rape, rebels executed the woman and the young man, believed to be in his 20s, by beheading them with machetes.



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